Monday, February 16, 2015

So . . . What Can You Do With Your Tiles and Tangles?

                                                           ~~~Drum roll, please ~~~

Before I touch on my title subject, here's some 'show and tell' from two of my students who very recently took an Introduction to Zentangle class! I'm so happy when students become excited about Zentangle!
Steve Reeser did this beautiful tile a week after taking the Intro to Zentangle class.  He's a real tangler!

Karen Schaack collected shells and tangled on them. I **love** these!

I was asked during my last Intro To Zentangle class: "What can you do with your completed tiles?" It's a good question, and somewhat difficult to answer because there are so many possibilities!

One idea that I gave was to do a RAZ: a Random Act of Zentangle. Simply write a note on the back of your tile something like, "Smile! You have received a Zentangle tile! It is yours to keep, or give away! Enjoy!". Then, leave your tile in a public place such as on on the sugar/cream table at a coffee shop or sticking out (prominently!) on a shelf in a bookstore, etc. What a wonderful surprise for someone to find. You might just make someone's day a lot brighter!

A RAZ left in the waiting room of a doctor's office.

You can also attach your tile to card stock, write a message inside, and give it to someone. There's nothing like creating truly handmade work of art to share with someone!  A card such as this would have so much more personal meaning to it, as compared to a mass produced card!


You can use completed tiles in an art journal, as part of the illustration. You can simply attach your tile to the journal page, or incorporate it in more depth as part of a collage.

     This is an example of a Zendala
 ('mandala' + 'Zentangle' = 'Zendala') 
that was made from a snowflake template! 

  . . . and, of course, you can definitely frame those favorites of your, and display them for everyone to enjoy!

A true Zentangle advocate!

~~Thanks so much for visiting! I would love to hear your ideas or comments!


  1. I agree that it's such a wonderful feeling to see your students taking off with Zentangle! Those shells are really cool. All great ideas for your tiles! Sounds like you are having a great time teaching too!

    1. Sue~ Absolutely! I can't WAIT to compare notes with you! It just fits so well~ It's amazing to teach something that I'm so excited about. (And your ears are burning because I mention your name a lot! Lol!)
