Friday, September 18, 2015

The Diva's Weekly Challenge #235: "String Theory: Stripes"

Laura Harm's challenges are so fun and inspiring! This week, she has posted a challenge using stripes. (Diva Challenge #235) Take a look at her wonderful example, which looks like beautiful woven cloth. (While you're there, enjoy her awesome family! They rock!)

Here is my tile, using more of a 'striped string':


  1. I think this is my fave tile so far this week. Love it :-)

  2. This is so pretty and really keeps the eye moving.

  3. Dear Holly, youhave created a wonderful, elegant tile with beautiful patterns. I love it!
    And thank you very much for your kind comment on my blog - I am very proud of it!

  4. I like the open endedness of the stripes, it makes it feel as if it is flowing somewhere,

  5. Such a nice piece. I like the way the top and bottom both have the rain look to it.
